Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fear to fail

Sometimes, I just feel melancholic. There isn't always a specific reason for that feeling: there might be many, there might be none. Today, I was thinking how fragile we humans are. One day we think we are going to eat up the world, next day we feel all alone, even if we know that there are great people who will always be by our side. But why is it? What keeps us back from going out there and do anything we want, make our dreams come true, look for the new? There is a fear that we all have, a fear to fail. If we have a goal, we set high expectations, but then we are afraid that the actual thing may not live up to these expectations. Telling a person your true feelings for her is one of these situations. 

Personally, I tend to dream too much each time I fall for a girl. I don't know why, but I picture that girl and I in the near future, sitting together in my terrace, hugging, kissing, feeling like the happiest people alive. For a moment, I actually feel that happiness, but then I come back to reality and realize that that perfect moment hasn't happened yet, and I start to worry: What if that moment never comes? What if everything goes wrong? I suppose that's a quite pessimistic view, but doesn't that happen to all of us?  

Other times we stand up and say: "Well, I'm going to go for it." But then, when you see yourself in front of that person with whom you've been having all these passionate dreams about, you stand back, you think that it's impossible and that it is easier if you just stay the way you are. Afterwards, when you're by yourself again, you regret not having said anything and think: "This time, oh yes, this time I'm gonna do it!". You see her again, and when you're about to tell her, you get the fear in your stomach and reject your plans once more. It can be a never ending thing, but that is how fear works.

Of course, there are also times when you are able to fulfill your expectations about that girl or boy you like, and these are the times when you see that it is worth being brave and conquering your dreams, and that there is no point in fearing the new. This doesn't just apply to love relationships, it applies to anything new that you are willing to do but are too afraid that it might end up badly. My conclusion is: If you really want something but you're scared of failure, just think that you've got much more to win than to lose, so don't overthink it and take a chance!


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