Monday, February 18, 2013

The After Life

Ok, so now you are completely sure that there is life after death. But, have you ever stopped your busy life for a minute and actually thought about it? We live in a floating rock called Earth that floats with millions of other rocks in an immense universe. Mmmh... this might be difficult to picture. Let's do an experiment, then.

Try to fly away into space with your imagination. Fly over your house, over the clouds, take a look at the China Wall, keep going up and stop when you're able to see the whole globe. Is your mind out there in the dark already? Great. Now, look at the Earth. Oaw, it's beautiful, isn't it? And the sun is blinding your eyes... You realize how small your planet is compared to that huge warm star. Look around, there are a few other planets like yours, also just hanging around, moving thanks to the sun, and unaware that the ball that gives them light will eventually die. Now look on top of you. There are so many other stars! Put your arm like Superman and fly away from the Solar System. After travelling at such a super-fast speed, you relax and observe the wonderful Milky Way. The glowing blue spiral hypnotizes you. You have never seen such an amazing landscape. This spiral is formed by very many other Systems like the one you live in, and other awesome things that move at an incredible speed, things that suddenly burst into millions of little pieces that dissapear into darkness, things that die, things that are born... The list never ends. 
So, now that you are up there, looking with a stunned face at the colourful and bright galaxies that surround you, you feel negligible, infinitely small... 

For some of you, the thought of you being so insignificant to the Universe will overwhelm you, and you will go back to your small planet, close your eyes and dream about being immortal, being the centre of it all. Oh, glorious humans, who shall live in a perfect world made only for them and eternity!
But others will wake up and face the truth: our existence is the closest you can get to nothing. We are not the emperors of space, we are not the puppets of a "God" who had nothing else to do but to create us and build a magical world somewhere over the rainbow so that we can live happily forever after when we die. Although it is hard to accept, we are here by mere chance, and there is no misterious force out there to protect us and take care of us. Just like every other living being on Earth, we are nothing but organic matter. What differences us from the other living beings is that our organic matter has evolved to create an amazing brain which allows us to use reason. However, this brain also makes us have feelings, such as dread. And dread is exactly the reason why many people think that they are immortal: they fear that some day, they will return to be part of the earth they came from and mix with the soil that our planet is made of. It is indeed easier to think that God has saved us a seat at his right hand because we are the most important thing in the Universe, but we are not. However, why should we be frightened of this reality? Even if our lives are actually quite absurd, we do have a life, don't we? So, if there is no Father to give sense to our life, let's give sense to it by ourselves! I mean, let's not waste it fooling ourselves and dreading death, but let's make the most of it for the short time that it lasts instead!

Love your life, you know that you only have one. YOLO ;)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

We are sinking

The sinking into poverty of the middle class is one of the main problems in Spain. Families who could always make great presents to their children now struggle in an attempt to feed them. 
Not only can they not afford whims anymore, but they can’t even buy very basic things like clothes or food. They have no other choice but to go to a community kitchen, a place where they never thought they would end up eating. Many of them are not able to pay their home’s rent or the mortgage, so they are evicted of the only place where they felt safe. One day they have a place to hide from the wild world that surrounds them, next day they find themselves in the streets. Some are lucky enough to have a relative that can take them in, but others have nowhere to go. They are wasted, devastated, and they see alcohol or drugs as the only way to escape from their sorrow. 

These situations are actually not new, what has changed is the number of people who end up like this. 26% of the Spanish citizens have lost their job and many of them are now homeless. The crisis has surely not gone unnoticed, and the only way to soothe the damage that it has done in the Spanish people is to stay together and form a big family, being empathic and helping each other as much as possible, don't you think?